Tools for Clarity

The success of your go to market is dependent on the value you can articulate relative to the needs of your audience and your competition. This is fundamental to your ability to build pipeline, the price you can sell at, your win rate, and just about every other metric that matters to the revenue team. And yet very few organisations have an agreed, methodical and repeatable approach to building value.

Taking the same urgency you apply to day to day business, and in a practical, step by step fashion, we help you maximise the perceived value of your offering for a given audience, harnessing the insights of Sales, Marketing and Product teams as a force multiplier.

  • Our online workshops are guided by proven strategic logic and use tried and tested set of tools.
  • We establish clarity by developing clear definitions and tests for key go to market terms such as value proposition and use case.
  • We nurture and develop a fact-based, buyer-centric viewpoint that enables Sales, Marketing and Product teams to step away from their individual perspectives, combine their insights and collaborate more effectively.
  • We can start at a number of different points on your Go To Market journey. Wherever we start, the goal is to arrive at a state of readiness for the revenue team, having understood exactly how we got there.
  • At the end of the workshop series we provide a playbook based on the work we have done together to enable you to continue your journey.

B2B Navigator Guided Workspace

B2B Navigator delivers a methodical, and repeatable approach to developing your value.


  • Start point
  • Aspirational
  • Guiding


  • Plentiful
  • Potential
  • Outline


  • Fewer, clearer
  • Value defined
  • Evaluated


  • Where to Play
  • How to Win
  • Point of View Story

The Final Mile of Value

The final mile of value in a B2B go to market is the story that conveys it to your intended audience. Without this the revenue team cannot be in a true state of readiness

Whilst most B2B organisations acknowledge the power of stories, few have an agreed, methodical, and repeatable approach to developing a point of view (POV) story for the revenue team. This is the final step in the B2B guided workspace.